Complete order by fulfillment API
  • 07 Nov 2022
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Complete order by fulfillment API

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Article summary

In this article we are focusing on how to fulfill a order by using the fulfillment API. You may use the fulfillment API to fulfill a order if the order is prepaid or the user involvement is not needed for processing the payment. This applies to payment method sms, invoice, free, kco (klarna), swishPayex, vippsEcommerce and other. You may also use this API endpoint for prepaid orders made by McPay (e.g. payment method vippsRecurring).

Step 6: Complete your order by fulfillment API

The next step is to complete (fulfill) the order by using the fulfillment API. Before you can fulfill the order, you need to have an orderId. You received this orderIdwhen you registered the order in step 4. We have described how to fulfill the order based on different payment methods below.

A detail description of the fields in Complete order - client mode API is described in our API documentation.

Payment method sms :

The payment provider for paymentMethod sms is Link Mobility. This means Link Mobility is responsible for processing the payment. A detailed description of processing sms payment is given below.

  1. You must send a fulfillment request by using the fulfillment API.
  2. The system will send a request for processing the payment to Link Mobility.
  3. You may use the callbackUrl to check if the payment is fulfilled. The parameter fulfillmentStatus is added to the url and GET method is used. The fulfillmentStatus says whether the payment process was successful or failed.
  4. The system will stop the order if the fulfillmentStatus is failed (order is not paid). If the fulfillmentStatus is success (order is paid) and the order has followed the process described for how to grant temporary access when you registered the order in step 3, then the system will grant a temporary access.

Payment method invoice and free:

It is not needed to do a redirected to a payment provider for processing the payment. A detailed description of processing the payment for these payment methods are described below.

  1. You must send a fulfillment request by using the fulfillment API.

Fulfillment with prepaid orders :

It is not needed to do a redirected to a payment provider for processing the payment since the order is prepaid. A detailed description of processing the order for prepaid transactions.

  1. You must send a fulfillment request by using the fulfillment API.
  2. The system will grant a temporary access if the order has followed the process described for how to grant temporary access when you registered the order in step 3.
  3. Our system sends a SMS or an email to the credential set in the field credential. The SMS or email contains a link to login. In this link we include returnUrl and errorUrl. The life time of the link is defined in linkLifetime.

Step 7: Assign the user to the order

You can skip this step if the user was logged into the system before order registration.

You need to asscociate the user to the order if the user was not logged into the system before order registration. This means you used for example client API (Register order - client mode) for order registration.

The Assign user API will check if the user has an account. A user account will be created if the user does not have an account. If the user has an account, the existing account will be used. The response from the API will inform if the password is set or not. The user account will be associated to the order by the specified orderId.

Please see the Assign user - client mode in API documentation for a detail description of the fields.

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