ConnectID events
  • 21 Mar 2023
  • 5 Minutes to read
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ConnectID events

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About the ConnectID events

Transitions between states in all URLs are caused by events. Gui flows may specify that certain states should be selected when certain events are triggered.

Some events are handled internally in the gui sequence. Only events which are not handled internally in the sequence will cause a transition to a state outside the sequence.

Events are logged internally to the database, are connected with user session. Events describe what user done when he visit ConnectID application. Some of the events are triggered by user, and some by the application, triggered automatically. Events that are triggered automatically are usually global events, for example when some error occurred, or something was happened that cause the state outside the sequence.

Events can be also stored in external logging systems, such as Kissmetrics or Google Analytics. It needs some extra configuration.

Can be possible that some events are not described here, and they are stored in Kissmetrics or Google Analytics. If so, it means that events was triggered by events/statistics tools themselves.

Here is a list of Events, that are used in application. Each one has small description, to signalize what it mean in application. It is possible that different tools, can have not exactly same events names, they can starts with big letters or just be only the name without “Event”:

startRegistrationEvent(1)This event signals that the user clicked the startRegistrationLink in the startLoginState. It leads to the registerSequence.
sendVerificationCodeEvent(2)This event signals that user clicked button for sending of verification code
verificationEvent(3)This event signals that user was done the verification using the verification code, or user was created and verification was not needed.
verifyCredentialsEvent(4)This event signals that user was verified with password, actually not used.
setPasswordEvent(5)This event occurs when user saves the password.
searchForSubscriberEvent(6)This event signals that was done search for subscriber, that gui try to match user credential with the customer in Connect.
prepareCreateSubscriberEvent(7)This event signals that the user wants to create a new subscription.
createSubscriberEvent(8)This event signals that new subscription was created.
paymentAcceptedEvent(9)This event signals that the user clicked the submitPaymentButton in the dibsPaymentState and the payment was successful.
paymentFailedEvent(10)This event signals that the user clicked the submitPaymentButton in the dibsPaymentState but the payment failed.
paymentCancelledEvent(11)This event signals that the user clicked the cancelPaymentButton in the dibsPaymentState.
paymentInitEvent(12)This events signals that user wants to pay for subscription.
sendEmailToCustomerServiceEvent(13)This events says that something goes wrong, and user clicks the sendEmailToCustomerServiceButton.
startApplicationEvent(14)This event signals that application is starting.
navigateAwayEvent(15)User navigates away from the login page without logging in.
openLinkInOtherFrameEvent(16)User opens a specific link in another frame.
programmaticLoginEvent(17)This events obscures when user was allready logged in, or has remember me cookie, and login with password is not needed.
loginEvent(18)This event is triggered when the user clicks the loginButton.
setCustomerNumberEvent(19)The customer number is set on the user.
errorEvent(20)This event signals that an error occurred.
continueEvent(21)This is a generic event which signals that the next state in the sequence should be chosen.
alreadyRegisteredEvent(22)This event is fired from checkAlreadyRegisteredState if the user is already a subscriber.
notAlreadyRegisteredEvent(23)This event is fired from checkAlreadyRegisteredState if the user is not already a subscriber for the current client.
termsAcceptedEvent(24)This event signals the the user has already accepted the user terms.
termsNotAcceptedEvent(25)This event signals the the user has not already accepted the user terms.
existingSubscriberFoundEvent(26)This event signals that a subscriber was found for the current search.
existingSubscriberNotFoundEvent(27)This event signals that no subscriber was found for the current search.
authenticateUsingVerificationCodeEvent(28)This event signals that the user should be asked to authenticate using a verification code.
authenticateUsingPasswordEvent(29)This event signals that the user should be asked to authenticate using her password.
notMeEvent(30)This event signals the wrong subscriber was found during a search.
searchAgainEvent(31)This event signals that the user wants to search again (used when no result was found).
This event signals the start of the GUI.
resetPasswordEvent(33)This event signals that the user clicked the resetPasswordLink in the startLoginState
returnEvent(34)This event signals that user is just redirected to return url.
skipSearchEvent(35)This event is fired from enterSearchFieldsState to skip the rest of the subscriberSearchSequence if the user is in the clientWelcomeSequence and a subscriber was not found by searching for credential and the user has not already clicked the notMeLink.
payWithInvoiceEvent(36)This event signals that the user selected to pay by invoice in the prepareCreateSubscriberState.
paymentNotRequiredEvent(37)This event signals that the user selected to pay by invoice in the prepareCreateSubscriberState.
verificationLevelErrorEvent(38)This signals that user want to register with username that allready exist and needs additional verification.
payWithSmsEvent(39)This event signals that the user selected to pay by sms in the prepareCreateSubscriberState.
socialLoginSuccessfulEvent(40)This event signals that user was logged in into ConnectID using social provider login page
authenticateForResetPasswordEvent(41)This event is no longer in use. Before signals that user want to reset password.
smsPaymentWaitingCancelledEvent(42)This event signals that user cancel the payment with sms.
setPositionEvent(43)This event is no longer in use. Before signals that after redirect was set sequence on given position.
prepareCreateHAUserEvent(44)This event signals that the user wants to create a user account which is not tied to a subscription.
authenticateUsingRepeatCredentialEvent(45)This event signals that user is making the authentication on low level, just typing the username correctly 2 times.
authenticateMobileEmailAndSetPasswordEvent(46)This event signals that user want to create username with mobile and email that allready exist and both needs verification with verification code.
authenticateMobileOrEmailAndSetPasswordEvent(47)This event signals that user want to create username with mobile and email that allready exist and email or mobile needs verification with verification code.
mergeEvent(48)This event signals that user want to merge new username to actually logged in user.
termsNotAcceptedErrorEvent(49)Event occurred when user is trying to login. User has password but has not accepted user terms. It is usually when user was created by Customer Service or comes by importing.
twoFactorVerificationEvent(50)Event occurred when user has password but verification level is notVerified. It is specific error when user was imported or created with some errors.
paymentErrorEvent(51)Event signals that occurred error during the payment.
getConfigFieldsEvent(52)Events signals that fields was displayed for user to type info about users membership.
searchForMembershipEvent(53)Event signals that search for Membership was done.
membershipNotFoundEvent(54)Event signals that was not found any membership for this user.
searchMembershipAgainEvent(55)Event signals that user click search again link to search for membership.

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