  • 03 Nov 2022
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Article summary

This article describes the introduction to order registration. There are several options for registering an order by using our API. However, the main alternatives depends on whether the payment is done and if the user is logged in to the system before order registration.

Flows for order registration

FlowIs prepaid?Is user logged in?

There are two options for payment. The first one, payment with order registration means the order is not prepaid, and we need to handle the payment during the order fulfillment process.

The second option, prepayment before order registration means you need to complete the payment before order registration process is started. This is what we refer to as a prepaid order. You may use either the Mediaconnect Payment SDK (McPay) or your own integration to payment provider to do the payment.

Mediaconnect Payment SDK

Mediaconnect Payment SDK (McPay)

You may use our Mediaconnect Payment SDK to do the payment. If you use our Payment SDK, the payment will be done before the registration of the order.

More details about McPay you will find in our API documentation. All order registration flows may be used with McPay, you just need to do a payment before sending the order to the Order API. Please note that not all payment methods are supported by McPay.

1a - Payment with order registration and user logged in to the system

In this case the order is not prepaid and the user has logged into the system before order registration takes place.


The register order process begins with the end user initiate an order. The client sends a register order request to the API server by using the Register order API . The server returns an orderId in the response if everything goes successfully. The next step is to fulfill (complete) the order, the client sends a request by redirecting to the Fulfillment URL. The end user will be redirected to the payment provider where the end user can pay the order. The payment provider will process the payment and the client will be informed if the order was paid or an error occurred.

1b - Payment with order registration and user not logged in to the system

In this case the order is not prepaid and the user has not logged into the system before order registration takes place.


The register order process begins with the end user intitate an order. The client sends a register order request to the API server by using the Register order - client mode . The server returns an orderId in the response if everything goes successfully. The next step is to fulfill (complete) the order, the client sends a request by redirecting to the Fulfillment URL. The end user will be redirected to the payment provider where the end user can pay the order. The payment provider will process the payment and the end user will be informed if the order was paid or an error occurred.

Since the user is not logged into the system, we need to use the Assign user - client mode API to connect the order with ConnectID (or other) user with a specified credential. If the end user does not have a user account, then it will be created a user account for the end user and an email or SMS will be sent if it is configured for it. This step is only relevant if the registered order gives access to locked digital content.

2a - Prepayment before order registration and user is logged in to the system

In this case the order is prepaid and the user has logged into the system before order registration takes place.


The register order process begins with the end user intitate an order. The client sends a register order request to the API server by using the Register order API. The server returns an orderId in the response if everything goes successfully. The next step is to fulfill (complete) order, the client sends a request to Complete order - client mode API. The end user will be informed if the order was fulfilled or an error occurred.

2b - Prepayment before order registration and user is not logged in to the system

In this case the order is prepaid and the user has not logged into the system before order registration takes place.


The register order process begins with the end user intitate an order. The client sends a register order request to the API server by using Register order - client mode API to the API server. The server returns an orderId in the response, if everything goes successfully. The next step is to fulfill (complete) order, the client sends a request to Complete order - client mode API. The end user will be informed if the order was fulfilled or an error occurred.

Since the user is not logged into the system, we need to use the Assign user - client mode API to connect the order with ConnectID (or other) user with a specified credential. If the end user does not have an user account, then it will be created a user account for the end user and an email or sms SMS will be sent if it is configured for it. This step is only relevant if the registered order gives access to locked digital content.